Monday, May 11, 2015

What is Selenium Automation Framework? What are its best advantages?

Selenium is a functional testing framework for software applications, presented by Apache Software Foundation. This free or open to use functional testing service is deployed to examine the performance and functionalities of web based software applications. The framework is used in web applications for testing purposes. The scaffold makes the entire testing pretty easy and unproblematic.  Here are some of the best advantages of selenium automation testing -
No requirement for learning the scripting language – When performing the test under Selenium, the tester need not excel in the scripting language Selenium IDE. IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. Interestingly, the framework also entitles a particular, easily understandable test domain specific language, namely – Selenese. With the help of the straightforward interface, testers can inscribe test scripts in JAVA, C#, PHP, Python, RUBY, or whichever programming language they want.
No Specific Browser or Operating System – The framework can efficiently work and be installed on any modern web browser on Windows, Linux, and MAC, etc.
Greater Flexibility – Another enormous advantage from the developers’ point of view is that selenium come with a great flexibility which makes it (including all updates and versions) one of the best frameworks released till date. There is a customization option in the interface that allows you to add to test series and framework, both.