Suppose you have spent several hours exploring top-selling products, developing your strategy and creating your online store. However, the sales just don’t increase, despite such efforts. Well, you’re not alone in this race. Several new ecommerce owners strive hard to create sales at first, but due to some flaws, they find it daunting to do the same. To help you out from this situation, we have highlighted here, five eCommerce site testing mistakes that could be killing your sales.
- Failing to make the optimum utilization of quality images
speak a thousand words, and it applies to your e-commerce site as well. It is
specifically true when you are selling items whose value completely depends on
its appearance, apparel, art, décor, and a lot more.
- The website doesn’t look reliable
know you’re reliable, so the question is how you can make your customers
experience it. The answer is – by giving a complete overhaul to your website.
You can also include the testimonials, customer’s review on your site to let
the visitors know that you are a trusted brand.
- Wrong selection of shopping cart
selecting a shopping cart for your site, carry out some research. Consider all
aspects regarding features, functionality, budget, integration and the need for
- Not having a mobile-optimized website
must encompass a mobile-optimized website to offer one-stop solution for
- Your website is too slow
overload your site with contents than it can handle. People dislike the slow
sites, which obviously slow down your sales.
effective software testing and quality assurance, you can tackle such
situations and randomly increase your sales.